Lilly Brie Knox- Poem by Sylvia E. Mish
2007 November 13
Created by Elizabeth 17 years ago
What shall I bring to the Lord, the God of Heaven, when I come to worship? Micah 6:6
Lilly Brie Knox
October 27, 2007
I will bring Him Lilly Brie
Lord, I now give her back to Thee.
I bring gratitude for time well spent
In loving this precious one You have sent.
You placed her in her mother's womb
And in that warmth we watched her bloom.
From that moment, that very hour
We cherished our fragile Lilly flower.
We prayed for her and hoped for her
Caressed the womb and spoke to her.
And though these months our hearts entwined
Around this little child divine.
We heard the news that things were not right.
Some counselled we should end her life.
But in God's wisdom was a different plan
Her life was His, it would be by His Hand.
So, we continued to hold her in our hearts
Waiting on God to do His part.
Uncertain where He would lead us next
We walked towards Him as we took each step.
We prayed,"Lord, could we hold her before it's time
Nevertheless, not our will, but only thine."
Though the months we pondered and cried
Our hearts and souls knitted to Lilly hidden inside.
Safe and sound in her mother's womb
Knew by God's strength it would not be her tomb.
For deep inside her spirit grew stronger
Each hour determined, "a little bit longer".
Moment by moment our little flower
Clung to life until it was her hour
To make herself present in her finest debut
To those loving her whom she already knew.
She needed to feel their loving touch
Having yearned for it these months so very much.
To come her long enough to say
"You gave me life" in her own way.
She had heard the voices, what they desired.
Her tiny heart pounding until the hour
When Mommy and Daddy said, "This we'll not do
For God, she is, a gift for You."
And to the doctors they did say.
"Within the womb she shall stay!"
They had left in sadness, pain and weeping,
Yet in their hearts knew, she's in God's keeping.
So Lilly Brie set her face like a flint
To finish the course for which she had been sent.
And ran the race, pressing on towards the day
God said, "Lilly, it time, this is the best way."
'Til the very last minute coming into view
She fought her way here to see the family she knew.
We cuddled. We cried. We hugged. We sighed.
We talked. We sang and we savored the time.
And in those short hours we experienced that day
A lifetime of love that forever will stay.
We now place Lilly Brie Knox in Jesus' arms.
Her task completed, He has called her home.
Until we again see her face to face
She is credled in our hearts, as we walked by His grace.
Sylvia E. Mish
Inspired on October 28, 2007