Please Give Me Strength
2007 November 30
Created by Elizabeth 17 years ago
This morning, after Michael went to work, I went to the Cemetary to run. This song on Michael's iPod, by Casting Crowns, reminded me of the situations that have been laid before me and my family. I broke down as it said 'I am a flower quickly fading'. Because at this moment thats how I feel. When I got to Lilly's grave, I saw that her gravestone was in place and I started to sob. All i could do was kneel by her grave and touch her stone. Michael and I would have been great parents. I just miss her so much! I have prayed that the Lord will help me to surrender my troubles to him and not let them burden me. After leaving the cemetary, I felt relieved to have had that time with God. I finally felt like I truly surrendered everything. God did say 'You are not alone' and he is right.