Chapter 3

2007 June 12

Created by Elizabeth 17 years ago
On June 12, 2007, Michael and I went to my doctor's appointment to have our first ultrasound. Yay! We were so excited! We couldn't wait to see what our baby was going to be and finally see her. During the ultrasound, the Sonographer kept saying how cute she was and how wiggly she was. She finally asked us if we were ready to see what our baby was going to be. Of course we said yes. And sure enough it was a girl. After everyone bet it was a boy, IT WAS A GIRL! :) I instantly got excited! We would name her Lilly Brie Knox. After the Sonographer gave us all her cute pictures, Michael and I sat in a room and waited for the Doctor to talk to us before we could leave. When the Doctor came in, she was carrying some ultrasound pictures in her hand. She sat across from me and Michael and told us that there were some things in the ultrasound that concerned her. She told us that Lilly had a cyst on her brain, her hands were clenched, and her pulmanary artery looked enlarged. As she was telling us this she would show us what she was looking at in the ultrasound pictures that she walked in with. She reasured us that lots of babies, even grown people, have cysts on their brain that tend to go away and that some babies take longer to open their fists. But she didn't say much about the heart which left me worrying. The Doctor scheduled us to see a Specialist at Brody School of Medicine.
